
Kamis, 17 November 2011

As a liaison between the Parks Wildlife and Cultural Kinantan with Fort Fort De Kockthen there is a bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh built with architectural concrete construction with a roof shaped gonjong typical traditional Minangkabau house. This bridge stands on Jalan A. Yani and from here we can see the natural beauty andhustle Road Bukittinggi A. Yaniv

Well for those of you foodies, just before the afternoon until midnight under a bridgeLimpapeh there were many food merchants with a variety of menus,

Intrigued by the lack of complete information about the history or culinary limpapehbridge? hence stacking game schedule your vacation to the United Kingdom so youcan see what is there on the bridge .. what are you waiting limpapeh buruannnn.

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